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Главная » 2010 » Декабрь » 14 » 2010 Slammy Awards
2010 Slammy Awards

Superstar of the Year

Winner:John Cena

Other nominees:

  • Edge    
  • The Miz    
  • Randy Orton    
  • Rey Mysterio   
  • Kane

Diva of the Year

Winner: Michelle McCool

Other nominees:

  • All WWE Divas

WWE Moment of the Year

Winner: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XXVI

Other nominees:

  • Edge Spears Chris Jericho through the barricade at WrestleMania
  • Sheamus attacks Triple H with a lead pipe
  • John Cena counts the pinfall that gets him fired from WWE

"Oh Snap" Meltdown of the Year

Winner: Edge destroys the anonymous GM's computer

Other nominees:

  • Alberto Del Rio injures Rey Mysterio's arm with a steel chair
  • Big Show destroys Jack Swagger's trophies
  • Batista quits WWE

Shocker of the Year

Winner: The Nexus debuts

Other nominees:

  • The Miz cashes in Money in the Bank to become WWE Champion
  • Randy Orton punts Chris Jericho
  • Paul Bearer turns on The Undertaker

Despicable Me Award

Winner: CM Punk sings "Happy Birthday" to Rey Mysterio's daughter

Other nominees:

  • Mr. McMahon makes a truce with Bret Hart, then kicks him in the groin
  • Drew McIntyre humiliates Theodore Long
  • Kane buries The Undertaker alive

Holy Move of the Year

Winner: John Cena's Attitude Adjustment on Batista through the stage

Other nominees:

  • Kofi Kingston hits Drew McIntyre with a legdrop off a ladder
  • Randy Orton RKOs a flying Evan Bourne
  • John Morrison dives off the set onto Daniel Bryan and The Miz

Guest Star Shining Moment

Winner: Pee-wee Herman vs. The Miz

Other nominees:

  • Mike Tyson punches out Chris Jericho
  • Wayne Brady gets RKO'd by Randy Orton
  • William Shatner sings WWE entrance themes

Knucklehead Moment of the Year

Winner: Lay-Cool gets beat by Mae Young

Other nominees:

  • Big Show unmasks a bald CM Punk
  • Santino Marella gets out-danced by Vladimir Kozlov
  • Beth Phoenix eliminates The Great Khali from the Royal Rumble

WWE Universe Fan Reaction

Winner: "Angry Miz Girl" Cayley 

"And I Quote ..." Line of the Year

Winner: Michael Cole

Supplementary Slammy Awards

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WWE-The Miz


IC-Kofi Kingston

USA-Daniel Bryan



«  Декабрь 2010  »
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